Quantum Learning
Quantum LearningBobbi De Porter & Mike Hernacki - 1993 - 352 halaman |
Quantum learning beyond dualityConrad P. Pritscher - 2001 - 196 halaman |
Brain, mind and physics - Halaman 126Paavo Pylkkänen, Antti Hautamäki - 1997 - 279 halaman1997 Learning in Non-Superpositional Quantum Neurocomputers RL CHRISLEY School ... The notion of quantum learning systems — quantum computers thai modify ... |
Menyiapkan Anak Jadi Juara - Halaman 95Amir FaisalMengatur gelombang otak • Senam otak Pengertian Quantum Learning Menurut Bobbi DePorter, Quantum Learning merupakan bagian dari cara belajar, namun mencakup ... |
Quantum Teaching - Halaman xiBobbi adalah mantan ketua International Alliance for Learning dan penulis Quantum Learning: Unleashing The Genius In You dan Quantum Business: Achieving ... |
Quantum computation and information: from theory to experiment - Halaman 11Hiroshi Imai, Masahito Hayashi - 2006 - 279 halamanThe above idea is furtherly refined by Atici et al. in [30] in the context of quantum learning theory. They consider the hypothesis such as the value of the ... |
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